China Business
Promoting a New Vision of Business Consultancy Services
Urban Group commenced its business in Mainland China by setting up Guangzhou Urban Property Management Limited in 1994. Its major focus is to provide professional management consultancy services to business counterparts in China and to explore new business opportunities.
Starting from 2002, Urban Group has participated in various familiarization programmes with well-known property management companies from major PRC cities including Shanghai and Guangzhou. These programmes enable participants to enrich their skills and knowledge in professional property management.
Urban Group also offers facility and project consultancy services for customers in Hong Kong. Its professionalism and internal efficiencies enable Urban Group to work effectively with owners and developers at various stages of property development. Urban’s objective is to devise, at an early stage, the most cost-effective programmes for on-going property services. The Group also seeks business opportunities through independent companies that bring added dimensions and an expanded marketplace for its service.