Urban Group

“FoodEver WasteNever” Programme

Urban Property Management Ltd. (UPML) is committed to shouldering its corporate environmental protection responsibilities.  Green management practices are widely adopted by the Group and the 365 properties under its services.  To strengthen the green practices of the properties, a number of them have purchased the composting machine for recycling the food scraps, thus help reduce food waste.

To support food waste management, 9 properties under the management of UPML participate in the “Food Waste Lean and Green Label Scheme”, which is organized by the Green Council and fully supported by the Environment and Conservation Fund and Environmental Campaign Committee, to advocate and educate the residents to change their habits to treasure natural resources.

In future, UPML will continue to promote food saving to its customers and other stakeholders under its services, aiming to convince them to help reduce food waste, adopt green recipes and ingredients, as well as to support various food donation activities.

FoodEver WasteNever