Press Releases 2006

City One Shatin and Grand Millennium Plaza under Urban Group
receive "Hong Kong Energy Efficiency Awards"

Date: 05/12/2006

Managed by Urban Group, City One Shatin and Grand Millennium Plaza in Sheung Wan recently received the Bronze Award and Merit Award of the "Hong Kong Energy Efficiency Awards" (Commercial and Residential Category) by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department respectively, reflecting the effort and commitment to energy saving and sustainable development of the Group.

"Hong Kong Energy Efficiency Awards" aim to promote the advantages of energy saving in local businesses and educational institutes. The judging criteria of the Award include the adopted measures and processes, consistency, total participation as well as effectiveness of the scheme.

Since 2000, City One Shatin under Urban Group has been taking various energy efficiency measures at the property such as partial lift suspension at nighttime and use of electrical ballast luminaries, which led to an annual saving of HK$1,600,000 electricity cost. Whereas Grand Millennium Plaza has installed the high efficiency T5 tubes at the tower lobby and other public areas, replaced the deteriorated condenser coil of chillers and adjusted the public lighting during non-office hours.

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